
spring fever

i miss that wild and crazy bush

and its dainty yellow flowers

...images from here
and to think that back in PA, i considered cutting it down every year because it took so much effort to prune it just right to get those yellow buds come early spring. 

i think i'm also going to miss the lilacs, hydrangeas, azaleas, rhododendrons, clematis, and rose of sharon.  i don't see myself planting all these again here, so i shall have to content myself with making a list and planning for a future garden.

of course small scale gardening is under foot here as well.. phlox and daisies, lavender, primrose, delphiniums, various annuals, and i am hoping to get at least one hydrangea in.   and of course, the vegetable/herb garden. 

like my boys, i do like playing in the mud.


legendswife said... Best Blogger Tips

sometimes we don't how much something means until its gone.

Handbags*and*Pigtails said... Best Blogger Tips

I drove past your old house this weekend and all the memories of last year/getting you ready for the move, the goodbye party,etc... came flooding back and I had to fight back the tears. We STILL miss you and love you even more.XOXO